Covid-19 and Distance Assessment and Evaluation Models in Higher Education




The COVID-19 pandemic has posed enormous challenges to society. Various measures are being taken in higher education as online classes can be expected to persist for several months. However, the question of evaluation arises for which many institutions are not prepared. This perspective aims to explore various models and practices of formative and summative assessment and evaluation that can be adopted in the context of e-learning. Furthermore, it intends to identify a set of good practices and challenges that can be identified in the process of migration to the e-learning model. This study is relevant in the practical dimension for higher education institutions to adopt new approaches for monitoring and evaluating the activities developed by students in the e-learning environment.


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How to Cite

Almeida, F., & Lopes, S. S. (2021). Covid-19 and Distance Assessment and Evaluation Models in Higher Education. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 14(4), 641–646.


