Applications of Mathematical Modeling in Higher Education: an Experience with Challenges Related to the Covid-19 Pandemic in a Business Administration Course
In view of the crisis caused by the new coronavirus in the year 2020, it was necessary for schools of various educational levels to try to adapt to the new challenge of remote education. The purpose of this article is to report the experience of students of the Applied Mathematics discipline of the Business Administration course in the development of projects applied to the Covid-19 pandemic theme. The technical procedure used is the report of experience carried out in the context of remote classes and activities at a private Higher Education Institution in the city of Campinas/SP using the digital platforms Canvas and Teams. The predominant contents of the Business Administration area were those of supply and demand and, in almost all projects, the mathematical contents covered were linear function and system of linear equations. The graphs obtained using the Microsoft Excel Program of the Supply, Demand, Cost and Revenue functions, as well as the intersection point of the Supply and Demand (Market breakeven point), or Cost and Revenue (Operational breakeven) functions were important for the analyzes carried out by students. The topics most discussed by students in their projects were associated with alcohol gel and mask products. The work carried out by the students facilitated the understanding of the mathematical and Business Administration contents covered and the knowledge of other related areas, in addition to debates during the presentation.References
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