Raio-X Puzzle: a Game about the Skeleton based on Radiographic Images
The technology is in nowadays, changing the work, personal relations, and educational methodologies. The teaching, inserted in this virtual scene, needs creating ideas based on the interaction between subject and object, and, therefore, the digital educational game might be an important tool. Besides the recreational character, the visual stimulus, the sound and the interactive resources promote the concentration and the logical reasoning and mobilize mental schemes. A game about the skeleton was developed to support the study of anatomy in science class at the elementary school and in biology class at the high school. X-Ray Puzzle was created with the Adobe Captivate program, using radiographic images and illustrations made with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop; interactive menus schematize the subject, and puzzle, column matching and multiple choice exercises attest the learning and provide playfulness. Audiodescription aims accessibility. The game was published in the learning environment Museu virtual do corpo humano (...). Its aim, by real images of the interior body and making playful an element of clinical diagnosis, is promoting the understanding of the bone constituents in an attractive manner, contributing to the teaching about the human body at the school elementary and high.References
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