An Innovative Approach to Learning for the Development of Transversal Skills




The digital transformation is changing the structure and functioning of society, including the conceptions of space and time, in addition to business models, we are experiencing the transition from a more stable world to a more dynamic and complex world. This transformation requires, in the perspective of professional careers, competences different from those that were demanded in the recent past. Therefore, developing transversal competences, those that we manage to transfer from one context to another throughout life, is a differential to operate in a constantly changing scenario. Given the above, the objective of this article is to evaluate the development of transversal skills of students after using a learning model that articulates challenge-based learning with the design thinking approach in order to take advantage of the complementarity of a more technical approach with a more social approach, thus promoting a more integral process. This model was applied to a group of mechanical engineering students and as a result, it was observed, according to the students' perception, that the development of all transversal skills, which make up the learning model, was very well evaluated. Still, the positive correlation between learning practices and the development of transversal competences, demonstrates that the proposed learning model, contributes, in a significant way, to stimulate students with the learning process, potentiating the development of transversal competences.

Author Biography

Renelson Ribeiro Sampaio, Centro Universitário SENAI CIMATEC

Modelagem Computacional Full Professor


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How to Cite

Minuce Mazo , E., Ribeiro Sampaio, R., Nobre de Brito Lordelo, S., Oliveira de Souza, G. ., & Ferreira Veimrober, R. (2022). An Innovative Approach to Learning for the Development of Transversal Skills. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 15(1), 113–125.


