The Circular Economy in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution: Use of Technology Towards Transition
Circular Economy, Circular Design, Industry 4.0, Digitization, SustainabilityAbstract
The convergence of technologies and technological modernization has transformed the industry into an intelligent manufacturing system, enhancing process control and automation, which in turn has significant socio-economic and environmental implications within the context of sustainability. The intersection of Circular Economy and Industry 4.0 is highly relevant for facilitating business models to align with the socio-environmental, economic, and technological demands of the current global ecosystem. Consumer behavioral change is imperative during this transition, necessitating a mindset shift and a focused approach on ecosystem dynamics and overall effectiveness. Education and entrepreneurial training play a pivotal role in facilitating the transition towards Circular Economy. It is crucial to integrate sustainability principles and circular economy concepts into educational curricula while fostering the development of entrepreneurial skills with a sustainability-oriented perspective. The research conducted involved a systematic literature review that underlined the pressing need for further comprehensive studies in this field due to the limited availability of articles. The findings underscore the significance of the interplay between Circular Economy and Industry 4.0, highlighting the pivotal role of consumer behavior and entrepreneurial education as key drivers for achieving a sustainable circular economy.
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