Online Postural Education Program

Approach for Scholars


  • Gabriella Lavarda do Nascimento Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina
  • Luciana Sayuri Sanada Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina
  • Anelise Sonza Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina



adolescents, postural habits, postural education;, technology, posture


INTRODUCTION: Postural Education programs involving students, teachers, and family members to improve posture and postural habits should provide integrated knowledge acquisition and improve the quality of life of those involved. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the theoretical knowledge on posture and education in health, dynamic posture, physical self-perception in postural habits, and the quality of life of adolescents, before and after the application of an Online Postural Education Program. METHOD: Longitudinal interventional study with quantitative and qualitative approach. The sample comprised adolescents, teachers, and parents from the participating school. Anamnesis, analysis of dynamic postures was performed for the adolescents. Questionnaires were applied to adolescents, teachers, and parents. The program was conducted over five weeks, encompassing five remote, synchronous meetings, interactive educational intervention, and physical exercises. An online course was given to Teachers. RESULTS: The interventions for 54 schoolchildren aged 11–16 years provided a significant improvement in the theoretical knowledge (p<0.001), dynamic postures of tying shoelaces (p<0.001), lifting and dropping objects to the ground (p<0.001), carrying backpacks (p<0.001), sitting at a desk to write (p<0.001), talking (p<0.001), using a computer (p=0.001), physical self-perception (p<0.001) and quality of life (p=0.008). Teachers and parents expressed learning with the program. CONCLUSIONS: This study provided a significant improvement in knowledge, dynamic posture, postural habits, physical self-perception, and quality of life of the adolescents. The interventions associated with the use of technology provided a teaching-learning process for the participating students.


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How to Cite

do Nascimento, G. L., Sanada, L. S., & Sonza, A. (2024). Online Postural Education Program: Approach for Scholars. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 17(3), 845–861.


