Qualitative Research Beiond the Academic World:

The Utility of Qualitative Competences in Methodology, Methods and Techniques


  • Serafim Camalhão ISCTE
  • Maria Isabel Palmeira Mota Ferreira Camalhão Escola Superior de Educação João de Deus




qualitative research, academic formation, no academic world, academia, micro projects, challenges


The formation taught in the universities has to end form profissionals That respond to the needs of the society. One of the oldest problems in the universities in center it self in their needs closing over themselves. There are a distance between the academic world and labour market. In the end of a graduation, a master degree or a Phd, a student question the utility of competences and content that he or she learned in the university. This problematic make the option to centre the attention and objective to show the utility of having knowledge and competences in qualitative methodologies, methods and techniques in the labour market. Methodologically, this article is a collaborative  etnography made by two researchers: a Special Education teacher that make a narrative of her processional life; the other in the discourse of this teacher search for references to qualitative techniques, methods and methodologies. It a descriptive, narrative and reflexive research that is based on a professional life of Special Education Teacher. The conclusion of this small research is that social research at a professional level is different from academic level. Can be more flexible, smaller, is oriented to a specific end. All depend of the researcher and organizations.


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How to Cite

Camalhão, S., & Palmeira Mota Ferreira Camalhão, M. I. (2023). Qualitative Research Beiond the Academic World:: The Utility of Qualitative Competences in Methodology, Methods and Techniques. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 16(se1), 91–100. https://doi.org/10.14571/brajets.v16.nse1.91-100



Qualitative Research in Education, Technology and Society