Youth Slang as a Social Language Code: Functions and Formation


  • Svetlana A. Pesina Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University
  • Svetlana A. Vinogradova Murmansk Arctic State University
  • Vitaly V. Tomin Orenburg State University
  • Nella A. Trofimova Saint Petersburg State University
  • Svetlana Y. Rubtsova Saint Petersburg University
  • Maria N. Morozova Saint Petersburg University
  • Svetlana S. Velikanova Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University



slang functions, youth subculture, word formation, lexicology, sociolinguist-tics


The article presents numerous functions and special features of slang, which is able to represent a variety of communicative intentions of the speakers. In addition to the desire of communicants to maintain the confidentiality of communication through slang, the latter is used as a means of language economy, as a mechanism for creating new concepts, as a way of emotional release, etc. The factors that determine the popularity of this language substandard and ensure the constant growth of neologisms in national language corpora are presented. The relevance of this study is determined by the great interest in the ways of word formation of non-standard vocabulary and the influence of sociolinguistic factors on this process. Such mechanisms for replenishing the vocabulary of youth slang as semantic, phonological and grammatical ways of word formation, antono-masia and foreign borrowings are presented.


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How to Cite

Pesina , S. A. ., Vinogradova , S. A. ., Tomin , V. V. ., Trofimova , N. A. ., Rubtsova , S. Y. ., Morozova , M. N. ., & Velikanova , S. S. . (2024). Youth Slang as a Social Language Code: Functions and Formation. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 17(2), 803–811.



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