Mobile learning in childhood education



This paper presents a discussion about mobile learning in early childhood education. Using a theoretical approach, we sought to elucidate what are the possibilities and challenges of using mobile devices in learning for this age group, this, mainly motivated by the restrictions of classroom educational activities imposed by governments for health issues. The study is of a qualitative nature and the data were obtained from an exploratory search for publications in CAPES indexed databases and in reference books that address the theme of the study. Currently, quality education must be based on the planned use of educational resources that enable the cognitive development of students, especially in the current reality in which it seeks to minimize the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on education. It was also found that the m-learning methodology can be an option for children of second childhood in view of their stage of cognitive development and their physical capacities, since they already have the skills and competences necessary to operationalize the use of these equipment in favor of adult-oriented learning. However, for this to be possible, in addition to modifying some paradigms of traditional education, it is necessary to overcome the challenges arising from children's contact with the external world of the world wide web, aiming at their integration with current technologies without this may be detrimental to its development.


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How to Cite

Gruber, V., Gomes, N. N. da S., Marcelino, R., da Silva, J. B., & Bichet da Silva, K. R. (2021). Mobile learning in childhood education. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 14(2), 207–213. Retrieved from


