Distance Education and the Use of Artificial Intelligence Through Agents as an Aggregate Factor in Intelligent Systems


  • Geise Divino Silva Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Triângulo Mineiro https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7807-3256
  • Hugo Leonardo Pereira Rufino
  • Paula Teixeira Nakamoto Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Triângulo Mineiro, IFTM Campus Ituiutaba




Distance Education, Artificial intelligence, Agents, Artificial Neural Network, Learning


It is proposed to investigate the technological changes that drive Distance Education (EaD) through Artificial Intelligence (AI). It can become a powerful tool, expanding possibilities to have more assertive and effective results in the process of evaluating the knowledge obtained by the student in pedagogical content taught by the teacher. The agents are the resources to the AI technique, working in an Intelligent Tutor System (STI), which allow for flexibility in part of this evaluation process, as their characteristics of responding to inferences from the environment, enable them to display future results, based on statistics, making them autonomous and intelligent. This work proposes to present a project or its insertion of AI agents in the STI, specifically to the MOODLE platform, which allows for a better way of learning in accordance with the needs of students, respecting their level of knowledge. Flexibility that will occur through the classification of activities, to be performed by students in a list of exercises, with difficulty levels in easy, medium and difficult levels. The MOODLE stores and makes available to the student all the material prepared for the teacher's class and, with the incorporation of this AI technique, the process will be flexible when measuring each student respecting their previous knowledge. Respect for their education profile by experiencing the limits of the cognitive aspect, their deficiencies in knowledge of the content(s) not assimilated in high school or in curricular unit(s) in the undergraduate course, encouraging to reach levels of overcoming and acquiring learning.

Author Biography

Geise Divino Silva, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Triângulo Mineiro

Educação tecnológica e profissional


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How to Cite

Silva, G. D., Leonardo Pereira Rufino, H., & Teixeira Nakamoto, P. (2024). Distance Education and the Use of Artificial Intelligence Through Agents as an Aggregate Factor in Intelligent Systems. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 17(2), 506–522. https://doi.org/10.14571/brajets.v17.n2.506-522


