Online Resources for Technical Support of Distance Learning:
Advantages and Disadvantages in the Implementation System
distance learning models, adaptation of the educational process, digital competences, multimedia, digitalizationResumo
In the context of a full-scale war, educators are implementing innovative adaptation strategies to the new realities by developing and applying distance learning models. This article aims to investigate the technical support features for distance learning methodology using online tools. The study employed general scientific methods of cognition, including analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, concretisation, generalisation, and formalisation. The study analysed existing models of distance education and their practical implementation in educational institutions. Additionally, the study addressed the issue of technical support for distance learning. It showed that the quality of distance learning depends on the teacher's digital competencies in the online process.
Additionally, the research found that this trend enhances the educational experience of learners and stimulates their motivation to learn. Furthermore, careful planning of the educational process and a reasoned selection of tools were found to make distance learning quite effective. The study has demonstrated the effectiveness of distance learning as an innovative educational technology, particularly in crises. The practical significance of these findings lies in their potential to optimise the education system by improving existing methods and developing new algorithms for distance learning.
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