Analysis of the Effectiveness of Technology Integration (Interactive Whiteboards, Online Platforms, etc.) in Modern Education
innovation, integration technologies, education, online platform.Resumo
The role of technology in modern education is crucial, as it enhances the quality of education and facilitates learning. Integration technologies are being actively introduced in modern education to resolve the contradictions between the traditional system and the needs for a qualitatively new education. The article aims to analyse the effectiveness of integration technologies, such as interactive whiteboards and online platforms, in modern education. These technologies increase children's interest in learning and act as a source of ideas that help to resolve various contradictions in education. The introduction of innovative technologies in education is primarily driven by the processes taking place in society. The aim of the modern education sector is to educate a competent, comprehensively developed, erudite, and progressive individual. The contemporary education system employs various innovative technologies that not only impact pupil development but also foster critical thinking, imagination, creativity, and other skills. The most effective approach is to integrate modern innovative technologies with traditional teaching methods. The main aim of implementing new technologies is to produce favourable results and generate enthusiasm for learning. The article examines the influence of their integration on education and the significance of the competence-based approach. It is noted that digital tools such as interactive whiteboards and online platforms have become essential in modern education. The article identifies the advantages and disadvantages of incorporating interactive learning into the educational process. It is concluded that digital tools contribute to the formation of an innovative digital environment in the field of education. They also make learning more flexible, adaptive, and accessible.
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