Pupils with hearing impairment, financial literacy, PISAResumo
The study aimed to evaluate the level of financial literacy in pupils with hearing impairments, a group often excluded from international studies like the OECD PISA survey. The research sought to compare their financial literacy performance with pupils without disabilities, using a modified PISA financial literacy test. The study involved a four-year research project (2018–2021), targeting secondary school pupils with hearing impairments. The study applied some of the financial literacy tasks from the international PISA test, comparing the results with those from hearing pupils. Data were also collected on pupils’ access to ICT, their preferred communication codes (e.g., sign language or spoken language), and their academic performance. This multi-layered approach was complemented by psychological tests and qualitative analysis. The results showed that pupils with hearing impairments performed similarly to hearing pupils in most tasks. However, their performance dropped in tasks requiring open-ended responses, where they struggled with justifying their answers. The study found no statistically significant difference in financial literacy based on the preferred communication code (sign language vs. spoken language), but pupils in matriculation programs outperformed those in vocational programs. Access to ICT and the increased use of digital tools during the study period did not have a significant impact on financial literacy outcomes. The research concluded that the financial literacy of pupils with hearing impairments is generally comparable to that of hearing pupils, although they may face difficulties with certain types of questions. No significant differences were found based on communication preferences, but educational paths (matriculation vs. vocational) did influence performance. This suggests the need for more targeted financial literacy education for pupils with hearing impairments, with an emphasis on enhancing their ability to articulate reasoning and justification. The study also highlighted the importance of civic competences, such as financial literacy, in preparing these pupils for successful integration into society.
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