Complaints are, nowadays, a pressing and topical issue in the management of organizations. The purpose of this paper is investigate the complaints in a ecosystem approach to understanding the impact of the relationships, A4A, in the interconnected territories of collaborative strategy. Complaints are potential constructs that promote opportunities of co-created value. Complaints are the engine to make grow any responsible organization and to include actors to generate collaborative value constructed. With the proliferation of the use of new communicational tools, especially in social networks, in this new pandemic context, the role of the client is not limited to just being an actor. They are required to be a dynamic actor, to play an active and constructive role, to be a true co-creator of value, a promoter of new visions and an innovator of new practices in the service context as a systemic network. The relationships constellations A4A, the experiences, and the emotions involve value cocreation and collaborative strategy. Envision a new approach on people centricity (actor, client, stakeholder and supplier) perspective and not on the supplier's perspective by having the actor intervene in all phases of the relationship with the ecosystem. The topic is sustained by theoretical analysis and conceptual development of complaints and co-creation value supported by the S-D Logic (SDL) and Viable System Approach (VSA), Service Experience, Service ecosystem and Service interactions. One of the limitations of this study results from the lack of practical applicability in a service experience context, which surely would have been very relevant for us to obtain core inferences regarding the inclusion of complaints in an A4A management system. Future empirical research to open new strategic position of organizations in order to promote innovation and to maximize value co-creation in an ecosystem service.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Margarida Carvalho
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