The Role of Inclusive Education in the Social Integration of Children with Special Educational Needs
Inclusion, educational process, SHN, integration, correctional educationResumo
This reflective paper aims to explore the best practices for creating an inclusive educational environment, with a focus on children with special health needs (SHN). The study begins with a comprehensive literature review, seeking to identify the key objectives and main ideas in fostering inclusivity. The essential steps for establishing an inclusive environment are outlined, such as rejecting stereotypes, fostering collaboration, and instilling self-belief within the school community. To ensure inclusivity in mainstream educational institutions, the study emphasizes the recognition of diverse teaching approaches tailored to different learning styles, temperaments, and individual personalities of children. It also highlights the importance of adapting instructional materials and promoting independent choices by students within the classroom. Collaboration, support, and varied activities suitable for each child's developmental level are essential components of an inclusive educational setting. The paper further emphasizes the significance of a planned and organized physical space, a supportive social and emotional climate, and opportunities for collaborative work among children to achieve positive outcomes. Additionally, it underscores the importance of informing society about individuals with SHN, enhancing social readiness for integration and reducing dissatisfaction. Working with parents of children with SHN is also acknowledged as crucial, necessitating rational relationships within their families. To facilitate integration, teachers should be prepared for both integrated and inclusive education, and an accessible environment plays a significant role. However, the paper acknowledges that the integration process can be complicated due to various factors, and it stresses the importance of a prepared society to successfully manage the inclusion of people with special needs. The paper serves as a concise and informative exploration of best practices for creating an inclusive educational environment for children with special health needs, based on a literature review and a reflexive approach.
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Direitos de Autor (c) 2023 Nataliia Lopatynska, Maryna Omelchenko, Ivanna Deka, Oksana Protas, Nataliia Dobrovolska

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