Investigating the Hermeneutical Equivalence of Idioms in Translation


  • Elena V. Aleksandrova Murmansk Arctic State University
  • Svetlana Y. Rubtsova Saint Petersburg University
  • Lilia L. Timofeeva Saint Petersburg University
  • Maria N. Morozova Saint Petersburg University
  • Anastasia I. Dudkina Saint Petersburg University
  • Nadezhda S. Tyrkheeva Saint Petersburg University



idioms, idiomatic equivalent, translation, translation hermeneutic approach, interpretive equivalence


The article presents a hermeneutic approach to idiomatic equivalents in terms of translation. The hermeneutic, activity-based approach to translation highlights the essence of translation as a process of transferring the way of thinking and thinking activity organization from one culture to another one. The application of the hermeneutic approach implies transition from the traditionally considered level of meanings to the level of meaning relations and the consideration of the idioms as a system of explicit and implicit meanings that are perceived on different levels of the system of thought-activity. The hermeneutical equivalence is viewed with the reference to the fixation of reflection on different levels of thought-activity system (thought-action, thought-communication and non-verbal thinking).


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Como Citar

Aleksandrova , E. V. ., Rubtsova , S. Y. ., Timofeeva , L. L. ., Morozova , M. N. ., Dudkina , A. I. ., & Tyrkheeva , N. S. . (2024). Investigating the Hermeneutical Equivalence of Idioms in Translation. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 17(2), 781–788.



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