Nutritional and sleep profile description in people with physical disabilities athletes and sedentary subjects




The researches shows that the engagement of people with physical disability in physical activity programs added to food planning suitable can minimize as trauma sequelae and related diseases development risk. Thus, the purpose of the present study was to describe and compare the eating habits and sleeping patterns of physical disabilities, both practitioners of physical activity and the sedentary. A total of 29 volunteers participated in the study (from 22 to 73 years old), distributed among the groups: physical exercise / athletes (17) and sedentary (12). Were applied questionnaires relating to eating habits and physical exercise practice, quality of sleep and the chronotype. The results showed that the athletes presented better sleep efficiency in relation to the sedentary ones, in addition, the athletes with moderate morning profile presented better efficiency compared to afternoon. The sedentary group presented a score indicating an alteration in the sleep pattern by the Pittsburgh questionnaire. It can be noted that 100% of sedentary patients reported using medications on a daily basis, and their main use was for the Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). The eating habits of sedentary showed up with higher nutritional quality than athletes. In this context, we can see that the practice of physical exercise was relevant, presenting positive effects on the well-being and sleep pattern of the population that practiced it. New studies in this area are important to identify difficulties and physical changes in people with physical disabilities, and thus improve the quality of life.


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Como Citar

Pereira, M. N., Romano, C. G. P., & Esteves, A. M. (2018). Nutritional and sleep profile description in people with physical disabilities athletes and sedentary subjects. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 11(1), 186–194.



Disability, Education, Technology and Sport