A Proposal for Teaching of ENEM Essay in A Virtual Learning Environment
digital literacy, ENEM, essay, didactic sequence of genresAbstract
The context of the pandemic caused by Covid-19 demanded that the educational system, including the brazilian one, incorporate digital information and communication technologies (TDICs) into its daily life. It also demanded that teachers and students develop skills, digital literacies, for the effectiveness of this new teaching process. Thus, this article aims to present the digital literacies that are present in a teaching proposal aimed at working with the textual production of the ENEM essay. The study, with a sociointeractionist theoretical-methodological basis, considered a didactic sequence of genres (DSG) developed and hosted in a virtual learning environment (VLE). The results indicate that there are many digital literacies required in a teaching of textual genres when it occurs in the VLE. They also reveal the need for further studies on the subject, especially for understanding the relationship between the choice of moodle tools and the digital literacies developed in a teaching process.
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