Vocational and Technological Education:
Challenges and Perspectives in Teaching-Learning Articulation
professional and technological education, skills for work, articulated model, teaching-learningAbstract
Vocational and technological education (VTE) serves as a significant avenue for workforce integration. In the context of networked public policies, VTE has emerged as an alternative to foster new work-related skills. This study aims to assess the perceived effects of an integrated professional training model from the viewpoint of program managers and agents. The chosen focus is the Basic Education and Professional Education Program (EBEP), a collaboration involving Sesi, Senai, and the federal government. Employing a qualitative approach, the research involved semi-structured individual interviews with program collaborators, supplemented by document analysis and participant observation spanning 2016 to 2022. The findings underscore EBEP's social value, providing quality vocational education across urban and peripheral regions. The model emphasizes collaborative training with a civic approach and competency-based methodology, geared toward entrepreneurial job roles. Nonetheless, increased investment and scrutiny of other vocational education initiatives at local and national levels are imperative.
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