Technological Prospection of Intellectual Property and Innovation of High School Educational Technologies
Technology Foresight, education, Educational Digital TechnologiesAbstract
The focus of this technological prospection is to carry out an evaluation of patents and computer programs aimed at basic education, along the lines of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) and that allow interactive teaching-learning between legal guardians, students and teachers. In the methodological approach, a bibliographical review was carried out in scientific articles and the use of technological prospecting methods in the search for anteriority and similarity, aiming to cover nationally and internationally, in the patent databases and computer programs of the European Patent Office (ESPACENET), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the National Institute of Intellectual Property (INPI), with the use of Boolean descriptors and operators. The systematization analyzed the pertinence with the theme, excluding patents without relevance with the filters performed, patents repeated in the databases and those that do not have a deposit record. Thus, this work aimed to observe the gaps regarding the registration of patents and computer programs in official bodies on systems and applications intended for the educational area, assisting in decision-making with the mapping of existing technologies deposited in official bodies and encouraging for the improvement and development of education. The results obtained showed a constant growth in the number of patents granted over the years, with the largest domain of specific deposits for the basic education area of China (68.75%), which reflects being the country that presents the best index in PISA 2018 (Program for International Student Assessment). On the other hand, Brazil, which has the second highest number of patents granted (6.73%), either by patents or by computer programs, after data mining, is in 53rd place in the PISA 2018 evaluation. In this way it was also possible to observe a gap between the TMDICs that allow interaction in collaborative activities between students, teachers, and legal guardians in the process of meaningful learning. In this way, the need for more encouragement for TMDICs, public educational policies and the effective participation of society and family in school units, especially in public schools, is demonstrated.
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