Transversality of entrepreneurship in the courses of the university center of los altos
educational quality, competitiveness, entrepreneurship, transversalityAbstract
The role played by the Centro Universitario de los Altos (CUAltos) is of vital importance for promoting the quality of education offered to young people who enroll in its educational programs, especially those at the undergraduate level, since the quality of the knowledge that is provided will depend on the greater or lower degree of opportunities that the graduate of any discipline may have. For this reason, this project shows the work carried out in order to guarantee that, regardless of the discipline that is studied, there is always a continuous improvement of the process itself that is in force, since the research carried out is based on a quantitative-qualitative method, that allows to evaluate the results that are obtained and put under the magnifying glass at all times, the quality and quantity of the processes that allow continuous improvement, which is based on transversality, so that in this way any student, regardless of the discipline who attends CUAltos, has the necessary skills to become an entrepreneur in their field of study, work collaboratively with students from other disciplines, and undertake multidisciplinary projects. This is the main purpose of this research, since the greater the number of students who become entrepreneurs, the quality education offered by CUAltos will be the core point of attraction for the following generations, which will always have the support of teachers and researchers who are immersed in research and promotion of the educational models thar allow increasing the quality education offered. Therefore, when CUAltos checks the effectiveness of this model, it will be able to export it to all university centers in the network of the Universitdad de Guadalajara (UdeG).
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