Competence-Based Approach to Studying Contemporary Ukrainian Literature by Early Adolescents:

Theory and Practice


  • Tamila Yatsenko
  • Olesia Slyzhuk
  • Nataliia Hohol
  • Anatoliy Novykov
  • Nataliia Hrychanyk



student-reader, early adolescents, competence-based approach, cultural approach, key competencies, methodological system, competence-based tasks, contemporary Ukrainian literature, literature for adolescents


The article focuses on the theory and practice of implementing a competency-based approach to teaching literature in the middle grades of the New Ukrainian School following the psychological and pedagogical aspects of the adolescent student. This article aims to study the competency-based approach to studying contemporary Ukrainian literature by early adolescents and to analyze the results of approving Ukrainian literature textbooks in the 5th, 6th, and 7th grades of the NUS following this approach. The study employed a combination of the descriptive method with the method of analysis and synthesis, as well as the structural-functional method, methods of critical analysis, and generalization. Based on the research results, the authors have identified the peculiarities of the competence-based approach to studying Ukrainian literature by early adolescents. They have described the list of competencies that will be formed by using the Ukrainian literature textbooks discussed in this paper in the pedagogical practice of NUS. The authors have also investigated the correlation between the content of Ukrainian language textbooks for the 5th, 6th, and 7th grades of NUS and the expected curricular learning outcomes. The approval of the textbooks "Ukrainian Literature" for pupils of the 5th, 6th, and 7th grades of general secondary education institutions showed that these textbooks have competence potential. After all, the authors propose to study such works of modern Ukrainian fiction, which form the key competencies of early adolescents defined by the State Standard of Basic Secondary Education. The list of competencies includes fluency in the state language, the ability to communicate in native and foreign languages, innovation, i.e., the ability to respond to difficulties and overcome them, as well as environmental competence. The prospects for further research include the study of activity-based and communicative approaches to studying Ukrainian literature by adolescents in the 5th, 6th, and 7th grades of NUS.


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