Audiovisual tools in technical education: what do the students think about it?
The digital culture has enabled innovative approaches to communication in society. New professions, such as youtubers and vloggers, have conquered the labor market. In the classroom, teachers attempt to adapt teaching to that reality by stimulating research and knowledge by means of innovative methodologies. This study aims to investigate the use of audiovisual tools in the development of contents proposed by Technical Education teachers at Universidade do Vale do Taquari. Based on a questionnaire emailed to 306 students that have already concluded at least half of the courses, it was possible to analyze how that resource has enabled learning according to the students’ perception. As a descriptive, qualitative research, it aimed to obtain statistical data for a numerical analysis of results. Among the answers from 32 students we found out that part of the interviewed students positively evaluated the use of audiovisual tools in the learning process, as they both facilitate understanding and approach the content in a simple and practical way. It was also possible to understand that most students learned to use these tools by themselves or with the help from their classmates. When the students were asked about their willingness to use audiovisual tools more often in class, more than a half of them gave a positive answer, whether this use would be in theoretical disciplines, paper presentation or as a research instrument. Finally, we have considered the possibilities of articulation and interaction between teachers and students in order to reflect on the influence of the means of communication and information on the pedagogical practice in professional education.References
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