The Law 13.415/2017 and some implications in the high school curriculum of art education
The objective of this text is to bring to discussion the Law 13.415/2017 and its implications in the high school curriculum of art education (music, dance and drama), more specifically the articles 26 and 36 directly related to this education level. The teaching of arts in the last decade has achieved great advances regarding specific contents that better suits the job market, with the inclusion of music as a mandatory component in the curriculum matrix, expansion of full-time schools and the creation of Federal Institutes through Law 11.892 / 2008. However, the law 13.415/2017 points to a drawback in these achievements, maximizing some aspects in a way, but reducing in others. While extending the time of the student in the classroom with full-time high school classes, the law does not provide a proper structure for the additional demands that follow. On the contrary, the law may be interpreted as considering certain disciplines “superfluousâ€, causing a rupture in the educational process from elementary school to high school. This text is intended to bring some specific points for reflection, seeking to create a dialogue between excerpts of LDB 9394/96 and 13.415/2017 and authors that study the high school curriculum, and thus allowing an exchange of information that may bring a clear view of the implications of such reforms.References
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