It’s not enough, to ensure the schooling of the students with disabilities, only the right of attending school, it is necessary to teach and give meaning to the contents developed and that meet the different characteristics, potential, and learning pace. Through the National Policy on Specialized Education in Inclusive Education, the classrooms called: Salas de Recursos Multifuncionais e a Instituição do Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE) na Educação Básica were promoted. The AEE classroom is a space of the school, where didactic, pedagogical and Assistive Technology materials are available, where professionals with specific training to attend the students with special educational difficulties due to some type of disability are ready to support them. These classrooms aim to improve student learning in the school context. In the Education field, the Assistive Technology aid in the Process of Learning and Development of Students with Disabilities, further promoting the autonomy within their abilities in the accomplishment of their own tasks. It’s important to emphasize that the teacher needs to have technical knowledge and mastery of Assistive Technology resources, so this tools can be implemented within his/her pedagogical practices. In this context, this research aims to make a bibliographical research, through the literature on the subject, proposing a discussion about the state of the art of work. In this context, this work objective was to present a bibliographic study, proposing a discussion about the art state of issues related to the Multifunctional Resource Rooms and scholar inclusion of students with disabilities. With the ending of the presente work, can be concluded that, the students’ with desabilities inclusion, as well the Multifunctional Resource Rooms usage, still a great challenge to be worked on in the educational system. A new look at education is needed, since it’s possible, through public policies, promote accessibility and inclusion for students with desabilities, seeking to develop their skills during the teaching-learning process.References
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