This investigation refers to the guiding of learning processes considering learning preferences and strategies with the support of cognitive technologies, aiming at developing a mobile application that may guide teacher and student to self-knowledge of their learning and may provide a digital means for learning processes to take place. The methodology was composed of a literature review that has led to a quali-quantitative research on which field observations were recorded and 505 workers and students of IFSul, campus Sapucaia do Sul, answered a semistructured questionnaire about the use of mobile technologies on campus, whose analyses helped listing the applications requisites. As a main result, the investigation indicates that mobile technologies are pervasive in the campus premises, affecting the learning ambience. Therefore, it is possible to state that the research has helped understand habits of use of mobile technologies by the investigated community, as well as how they can be used for learning, which led to the development of a platform that enhances self-knowledge about learning preferences.References
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