Measurement of ambivalent sexist attitudes in relation to women in higher education institutions




This work aimed to measure the level of sexism among students and employees of higher education institutions. Sexism stems from the stereotypes and prejudices suffered by women, but not as the distinction between men. In this study, a sample of one hundred and forty-one university students and collaborators from these institutions. A survey took place on the premises of three higher education institutions, during the transit of people on the premises, where they were randomly approached to answer questions or questionnaires, the data being published with statistical programs. As the main results show the existence of sexism among women, the figures presented show the biggest sexists of those who did not study and the singles and the youngest are more prejudiced.


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How to Cite

Ferreira Neto, M. N., Castro, J. L. de C., & Pitombeira, R. T. de A. (2021). Measurement of ambivalent sexist attitudes in relation to women in higher education institutions. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 14(1), 89–96.


