From theory to practice: gender issues in the curricula of higher education communication degrees




The inclusion of gender equality, intersectionality and human rights issues in the various spheres of action related to education and training is becoming a priority in the field of research and action, since it can contribute to a more inclusive society and promote greater social justice. Thus, in this article we focus on the Portuguese context and analyse the plans of higher education courses in the first degree of the communication area with the aim of understanding if there are curricular units that present contents related to gender, intersectionality and human rights issues and what is their importance in the design of the courses that train professionals in the various areas of communication. In line with other studies developed in other contexts, in this exploratory analysis we conclude that there are practically no curricular units that focus on the themes of gender equality, intersectionality and human rights. This absence shows that these issues are not considered as a priority in education and training agendas, which may have impacts on professional development in areas as central as those involved in the fields of communication.


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How to Cite

Cerqueira, C. (2021). From theory to practice: gender issues in the curricula of higher education communication degrees. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 14, 8–16.



Gender, Research and Higher Education