Discussion about Human Rights at School: Meeting of Research and Extension as a Possibility to Think the Collective Action in the Community


  • Vitória Brito Santos Universidade Feevale
  • Janaina Waslawick Muller Universidade Feevale
  • Sarai Patricia Schmidt Universidade Feevale




The article talks about the partnership among University and public teaching, parting from the integration of a university extension project and a research group, both from a University in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, focusing on an activity developed with teachers of the public teaching network. The objective of the text is to promote a discussion that goes beyond the theory, considering the livings of the subjects, in a way to think the Human Rights not only as guidance, but also as ideas that nurture actions and manifest itself in the daily lives of the schooling community. In theoretical-methodological terms, the article brings a reflection based on the notion of Human Rights, also as a part of an analysis that took as principle the studies of Zygmunt Bauman (2005, 2008, 2011, 2013) about the identity, what leads to understand the importance of the debate about the Other, the manners of sociability and the notion of communication/media at school. The school territory has a primordial function at society as a space to strengthen the multiple and plural identities of the childhood, and it is at school that we have the opportunity to potentialize the debate about Human Rights parting from the particularities of each subject and their environment.

Author Biographies

Vitória Brito Santos, Universidade Feevale

Doutoranda em Diversidade Cultural e Inclusão Social pela Universidade Feevale, Mestra em Diversidade Cultural e Inclusão Social pela mesma instituição. Licenciada em Pedagogia pela Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Janaina Waslawick Muller, Universidade Feevale

Doutoranda em Processos e Manifestações Culturais pela Universidade Feevale. Mestra em Processos e Manifestações Culturais e Licenciada em História pela mesma instituição

Sarai Patricia Schmidt, Universidade Feevale

Doutora em Educação pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Docente dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Processos e Manifestações Culturais e em Diversidade Cultural e Inclusão Social da Universidade Feevale


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