Disclose of Information about the Treatment of Depression on Youtube
This study aims to analyze videos about depression available on the YouTube video sharing platform. The research was carried out in a qualitative and quantitative way and two search strategies were used, one with the keywords "treatment of depression" and another with the keywords "cure of depression". The first 30 videos obtained were submitted to a content analysis and labeled as educational videos, interviews and case reports. Difference in relation to the content of the videos was found according to the searching methods, when the keyword treatment was used, there were more videos produced by health professionals (75%), while with the keyword cure 53.3% were produced by these professionals. In addition, we found more videos with religious content in this case. Many videos were produced by people that were not identified as health professionals, and 13% of the videos indicated treatments like psychotropic drugs, as well as products without scientific evidence for depression, representing a risk to the health of the video viewers, by favoring self-diagnosis and self-medication. The YouTube video sharing platform has videos that vary immensely in the quality of information about depression and its treatments, which makes it important for the user to discern those who bring reliable content and also to know how to use the information received.References
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