TICs in an Educational Cooperative: Infrastructure, Uses and Perceptions of Students and Teachers
Much is discussed about the role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in education and how educational institutions incorporate, or not, digital knowledge tools in their teaching and learning processes. With Pierre Lévy's thought as its main theoretical contribution, this paper presents results of a research that aimed to analyze the infrastructure, uses and perceptions of students and teachers about ICTs in an educational cooperative located in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil, in light of the notion of digital culture in education. The investigation was characterized as a case study, with the triangulation between field research, in-person observations of thematic classes and registration of perceptions through a questionnaire with professors and students of the institution. The school's infrastructure inserts ICTs in different spaces of the institution, making pedagogical use of them in a structured way. Teachers recognize that ICTs have a lot to contribute to education, but that they cannot be used randomly, without technical knowledge and adequate pedagogical planning. Students perceive themselves as users without difficulties in the use of technologies and consider that they can help in learning. The analysis of the results points to a pedagogization of ICTs and their integration into the school cognitive ecology.References
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