Use of Virtual Resources for the Development of Spatial Vision in High School Students
Technology, space vision, methodologies, crystal lattices, SolidWorks®, virtual reality, Virtual Learning EnvironmentAbstract
The use of new technologies can favor the teaching-learning process. This way, this work analyzes if they can reduce the problems of spatial vision that some theoretical concepts present and that are difficult to acquire for some students in the pre-university stage. To achieve this objective, two methodologies have been developed in parallel in Baccalaureate, where crystal networks or Bravais networks are studied. In the first experience, three-dimensional models of the networks have been used in addition to the SolidWorks® design software. In the second, an interactive platform based on non-immersive virtual reality (RVNI) has been applied. Once the two experiences have been developed, the students have answered a quantitative questionnaire, with which different results have been obtained on the perception of the tools. In addition, the results suggest that they facilitate the understanding of 3D concepts, favoring the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process.
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