This article aims to verify the research about the professional performance of the instructional designer in Distance Education (EaD) courses. The instructional designer is a professional who works directly with the planning of courses, elaboration of didactic-pedagogical materials and media resources for the students' collaborative learning. In order to know about the investigations already carried out in Brazil about the professional performance of the instructional designer in the context of the EAD, an analytical bibliographic review was carried out, through an exploratory research in academic search engines for the survey of work. A total of 24 papers were found and 5 were selected for the analysis and discussion of the results. From the analyzed works, the results show that the instructional designer is a professional of paramount importance for the planning and development of EaD courses, and must act in a collaborative way with the multidisciplinary team. It was also observed that there is no theoretical consensus regarding the professional formation of the instructional designer, but the analyzed works signal the professionals of education and those who have knowledge in EaD as the most indicated professionals.References
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