Financial resources for investment in education in Vietnam


  • Doan Hong Nhung Law Education Teacher and Vietnam education quality Accreditor, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, University of Law, Vietnam
  • Nguyen Vinh Hung Law Education Teacher, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, University of Law, Vietnam



Financial resources, Education, Education Law, Vietnam


Currently, the education system in Vietnam is quite diverse from the levels of education to the participants in organizing training education activities. In particular, the public education system is facing fierce competition with the education system established by the private sector. Competition not only comes from infrastructure, training programs, and lecturers... but also from financial resources to organize and maintain activities. Therefore, because a training institution wants to have good infrastructure and highly qualified lecturers, it is very necessary to have abundant financial resources to carry out the plans in the middle and long term. The problem of creating and using financial resources to invest in education is always a painful and complicated issue for training institutions in Vietnam today. Stemming from outstanding practical problems, the article studies the financial sources of investment in education in Vietnam. On that basis, some solutions are proposed to contribute to the improvement of the education legal system, improve the quality of education, and efficient use of financial resources for the education system.


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