State Support for Agriculture in the Region: Economic and Social Aspects


  • Vasily Kuts Altai State Technical University named after I.I. Polzunov
  • Ilyоs Abdullayev Urgench State University
  • Rustem Shichiyakh Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin
  • Marina Abushenkova Southwest State University
  • Andrey Poltarykhin Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
  • Irina Vaslavskaya Kuban Kazan Federal University



art-organizational and economic mechanism, agricultural sector, state support, human resources potential


The article is devoted to the development of scientific and methodological provisions for improving the human potential of the crop industry of the Altai Territory, formed based on the results of the assessment of state support for the agricultural sub-sector. The purpose of this work is to develop recommendations for improving the directions of state support for the agricultural sector in the Altai Territory. Materials and methods: the assessment of state support for the agricultural sub-sector is based on specific indicators and on the materials of specific enterprises. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of state support in the field of agricultural production are considered. A study of state support of the agricultural sector on the example of a subject of the Russian Federation has been conducted. The main problems of the development of state support for the agricultural sector in the Altai Territory are outlined. Recommendations were formulated for state support of human capital in agriculture. The conducted research has shown that the methods of state support of the agricultural sector at the regional level are economic methods and administrative and legal methods.


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