Remote Education and TDICs in the Teaching-Learning Process during the Covid-19 Pandemic
The Perception of Master Students in Public Administration
Teaching-Learning, Remote Teaching, Teaching Practices, TDICs , COVID-19Abstract
Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDICs) in the pedagogical work of postgraduate professors during the pandemic could not be ignored and, somehow, were part of the daily lives of professors and students. Problematizing them requires an investigation that considers the teaching-learning processes at the center of the discussion. Therefore, the general objective of this article is to understand the changes identified by Postgraduate Master's students in Public Administration from a Federal Institution of Higher Education in relation to the impact of the use of digital technologies in teaching work during the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey was carried out in 2022 through an online questionnaire with seventeen master's students. The collected data made it possible to highlight the importance of the relationship between teaching tools and techniques, and the relationships in the forms of development of the pedagogical practice, the functionality for the proposed purpose, the use of technologies by teachers and students.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Rafaela Butzke Geloch, Estela Maris Giordani, Talita Gonçalves Posser, Josenai Oliveira Terra, Vania Medianeira Flores Costa

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