Proposal for a methodology for training basic education teachers for digital culture
Teacher Training, Digital Technologies in Education, Digital Education, Informatics in EducationAbstract
This article addresses a research (of)formation of teachers that aims to develop a methodology for teacher basic education training for Digital Culture. Supported by the triangle university, school and teachers, defended by Nóvoa, the research is divided into two stages: the research (of)formation and the elaboration of the methodology. The discussion presented in this article corresponds to the data obtained in the two steps of the research, which had a group of teachers linked to one of the Regional Education Coordination of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (REC). The analyzed data showed that teachers associate Digital Culture with the use of technological artifacts and that continuing education should preferably take place during these professional’ working hours. The concept of Digital Culture, central to this research, is related to contemporary ways of living and, therefore, go beyond the use technologies as learning mediation tools. Such results subsidized the elaboration of the methodology for training teachers for Digital Culture, an educational product that resulted from the research reported in this article.
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