A Systemic Review of Literature on Teaching Physics in Civil Engineering Courses
Physics Teaching, Civil Engineering, Covid-19, active methodologiesAbstract
The present work sought to investigate, through a Systematic Literature Review (SLR), research that discussed the use of new methodologies, experimental activities, as well as the adaptation of the teaching of Physics in the context of the Covid-19 Pandemic, in the graduation in Engineering Civil. The objective was to investigate the contributions and limitations in the teaching of Physics through the survey and analysis of the selected articles, a survey was carried out on the methodologies used in teaching, the resources used by the authors, as well as the difficulties encountered by teachers and researchers in the most different regions where the studies were carried out. Thus, a systematic review was carried out in high impact journals in the area of Physics teaching. Databases such as Google Scholar, Scielo Brasil, Periódicos Capes, and RENOTE were used, between the years 2017 and 2022 (last 5 years). Initially, 11 studies were found which, after applying the inclusion, exclusion and quality criteria, were reduced to only nine and which are part of the research sources responding to the questions of this RSL. The research allows us to see that the use of active methodologies and experimental apparatus contributes positively to the learning of Civil Engineering students, especially when we analyze the context of a global pandemic, where teachers and students had to deal with relevant changes in the planning of activities and teaching dynamics.
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