Design and Reception of a Didactic Subtitling Virtual Course for Italian Language University Students
audiovisual translation, didactic subtitling, language teaching, instructional designAbstract
Didactic subtitling designates the use of several technological resources specific to the creation of subtitles as teaching tools. This article describes the process of design, implementation and evaluation by expert judgment and by participants of a methodological proposal involving four types of subtitling tasks (transcriptions, condensations, reverse and standard subtitles). The context of the proposal is a virtual course aimed at university students of Italian language, implemented in the Foreign Languages Degree at the Autonomous University of Zacatecas, Mexico. The course design followed the ADDIE instructional model and for its evaluation a pre-experimental study with qualitative and quantitative data analysis and descriptive scope is exposed. Two samples of participants were used: 8 students of foreign languages and 5 experts whose areas of expertise are language teaching, translation and information and communication technologies. The results confirm that didactic subtitling, within the virtual environment and with the selected tools, is positively received by both experts and students and that subtitling is an activity they find motivating.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Olivia Correa Larios, Diana Margarita Córdova Esparza , Roberto Gerardo Flores Olague

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