Cybersecurity in the school context: what research says about cyberbullying
Cybersecurity, Violence, EducationAbstract
This study aims to review the literature on scientific production from 2013 to 2023, in the Brazilian context, related to the area of education and technology, which deals with the theme of cyberbullying. The methodology used is a literature review. In order to analyse the data and respond to the objectives of this research, dialogues were established with Vinha et al. (2016) and Wendt et al. (2010). The results point to the complexity involving different spheres of cyber violence, making it possible to conclude that cybersecurity in the school context is an inexhaustible and complex issue. Discussions on public security policies and tackling violence, such as the Fake News Bill, PL 2630/2020 and the report on the recommendations for combating hatred and extremism, reflect the urgency for change for an ultimately fairer society.
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