Qualitative Evaluation of Menu Preparations of a University Restaurant in the Interior Of Goiás
Collective Feeding, Food Services, Healthy EatingAbstract
Preparations of a lunch menu at a university restaurant in the state of Goiás were qualitatively evaluated. Preparations of 169 days were evaluated using the Qualitative Evaluation of Menu Preparations (QEMP) method and classified according to positive and negative aspects. For positive and negative aspects, those that were classified as “excellent” were the absence of frying-based preparations (100%), the presence of fruits and leafy vegetables (94%), the offer of fatty meats 9% of the days, sweets in 1% of the days, the absence of sweets associated with fried foods and offer of brown rice and vegetarian option with 100% occurrence for both. The association between acidic juice and acidic fruit and preserves in the salad appeared on 14% of the days, classified as “good”, while preparations with the same colors were present on 33% of the days, classified as “regular”. The supply of foods rich in sulfur (71%) and carbohydrate-based garnishes (53%) were classified as “bad”. And the presence of regional foods was the only one classified as “terrible”, with presence in 8% of the days. The large offer of fruits, leafy vegetables, brown rice, vegetarian option concomitant with the low occurrence of sweets, fried foods and acidic juices associated with acidic fruits point to an excellent quality of menu. However, the results regarding the appearance foods of same color, rich in sulfur, fatty meats, regional foods and carbohydrate-based preparations reveal the weaknesses of the menu offered, requiring a review of these aspects, in order to better serve diners.
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