Perception of stress and quality of life of university students in the post-pandemic
Stress, Quality of life, University Students, pandemicAbstract
This is a cross-sectional study with the objective of evaluating the perception of stress and quality of life of undergraduate students upon returning to face-to-face activities. 174 students participated in the research, from various courses at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro. The Stress Perception Scale (PSS-10) and the Quality-of-Life Questionnaire (SF-36) were used as collection instruments, in addition to a sociodemographic questionnaire. The results showed that 90.22% of students had a moderate perception of stress and 9.77% had a high perception. No student presented a low perception of stress. Regarding quality of life, the results showed rates below 50% for the dimensions related to Limitation due to physical aspects, General Health, Vitality, Social Aspects, Emotional Aspects and Mental Health, indicating high limitations in all these areas. The correlation found between the variables perception of stress and quality of life were significant (p<0.05), negative and varied from moderate to strong, in all dimensions, with emphasis on the Mental Health dimension, which presented a strong negative correlation with the perceived stress (r=-.661; p<0.01). As in other studies carried out with university populations, a predominance of higher perceived stress was found in females. Worse results in quality of life were identified in the Functional Capacity, Pain, General Condition, Social Aspects and Mental Health dimensions. Greater perception of stress was associated with lower results in quality of life, especially in the Mental Health dimension. The results demonstrated a vulnerability in the mental health of these students, associated with a greater perception of stress, indicating the need to improve the institution's psychosocial care programs, with special attention to stress management practices.
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