Memory Space / Time Lived in Representation to Mental Maps: The Case of School Project "our neighborhood, our place"


  • Lucinei Pereira da Silva Universidade Vale do Rio Doce (UNIVALE)
  • Maria Sá Xavier



The representations and memory of living space are essential to developing mental maps and cartographic documents. In this regard this investigation as a primary objective to understand how mind maps can contribute pedagogically classes in Geography and History as well, breaking the dichotomy space / time. From the point of view of theoretical and methodological the research relied on the analysis of the school project “Our Neighborhood, Our Place†developed at the Municipal School “Vereador Hamilton Teodoro†in Governador Valadares (MG), along with a group of 7th grades from elementary school and the articulation of authors who discuss the concepts of representation, memory, space and place.

Author Biographies

Lucinei Pereira da Silva, Universidade Vale do Rio Doce (UNIVALE)

Graduado em História pela Universidade Vale do Rio Doce. Ex-Bolsista de IC. Tutor na Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.

Maria Sá Xavier

Pesquisadora independente. Colaboradora do PG Gestão Integrado do Território, UNIVALE. Doutora em Geografia (UFF)



How to Cite

da Silva, L. P., & Xavier, M. S. (2012). Memory Space / Time Lived in Representation to Mental Maps: The Case of School Project "our neighborhood, our place". Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 3(1), 54–60p.