Equity and information: the challenge of access to early childhood education in brazilian capital cities
Enrollment, Early Childhood Education, Equity, Educational Inequality, Access to InformationAbstract
The present study investigates inequalities in access to early childhood education in the 27 Brazilian state capitals, focusing on the enrollment and pre-enrollment processes in municipal school systems. The documentary research collected data available on the websites of city halls and education departments, aiming to analyze how seat allocation systems address social justice and educational equity. The results reveal significant gaps in access to information. About one-third of the capitals, data on the documents required for enrollment are unavailable outside the enrollment period, impeding family planning. Furthermore, 18 capitals did not disclose the criteria for seat allocation, indicating a lack of transparency. It was also observed that 12 capitals conduct the pre-enrollment process exclusively online, excluding families without internet access, further hindering equity in access to education. The analyzed practices indicate the need for more inclusive educational policies that consider the socio-economic diversity of the population. The study suggests implementing measures such as creating public internet access points and strengthening in-person and virtual support channels to provide greater assistance to families during the enrollment process.
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