Socio-pedagogical communication to ensure an efficient, modern learning environment


  • Anouar Atiki Abdelmalek Essaâdi University
  • El Bakkali El Arbi Abdelmalek Essaadi University
  • Lahiala Abdelfattah Abdelmalek Essaadi University



Effective communication, role, teaching/learning, Educational space, integrated activities, curriculum


Communication, as confirmed by Habermas, refers to a profound human endeavor, represented in the construction of a society based on the acceptance of others. The lack of communication, on the other hand, leads to limited interaction and dialogue, and tensions within the educational community. Among the issues adding to the woes of the Moroccan education system is the lack of pedagogical communication due to the emergence of a set of tensions and disruptions within the educational body, particularly those casting a shadow on the mechanism of performance and the effectiveness of production in recent school years. These issues are represented by the escalation of violence cases among students themselves, or between them and educational staff, leading to the phenomena of stumbling, dropping out of school, and contributing to delinquency, drug addiction, and other negative phenomena. This ongoing tragedy in our educational reality has prompted us to conduct this study in search of appropriate solutions. These solutions include making communication a subject of study, strategic behavior, and societal culture. Recognizing that educational communication is an essential functional element for those working in the field of education and a necessary process of compatibility and understanding that educators must achieve in order to attain the desired goals of the educational institution.

Author Biographies

El Bakkali El Arbi, Abdelmalek Essaadi University

Abdelmalek Essaadi University

Lahiala Abdelfattah, Abdelmalek Essaadi University

Abdelmalek Essaadi University


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How to Cite

Atiki, A., El Arbi, E. B., & Abdelfattah, L. (2024). Socio-pedagogical communication to ensure an efficient, modern learning environment. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 17(se4), 74–83.



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