Territorial branding as a vector of identity and a lever for tourist attractiveness: the case of Larache


  • Houyam Mouhib University of Abdelmalek Essadi
  • Kaoutar El Aida University of Abdelmalek Essadi
  • Abdelfattah Lahiala University of Abdelmalek Essadi




Territorial brand, Place branding, Territorial identity, Destination, Destination attractiviness, Social representations


Faced with increased competition between tourist destinations, territories are feeling more than ever the need to revolutionize their practices. Nowadays, we are witnessing a growing use of territorial brands, a relatively recent concept whose first initiatives date back to the 1970s. In Morocco, territorial branding is still in its early stages, with the first brand being created in 2011 as part of a strategy launched by the Moroccan National Tourist Office to reposition Morocco on the international tourist scene. This study focuses on the city of Larache to explore the relationship between territorial branding, identity, and tourist attractiveness. This relationship is notably highlighted in the literature through the works of V. Golain and B. Mayronin. We consider our field of study highly appropriate to closely observe the validity of this link. Indeed, the decline in tourism that Larache has experienced has piqued our curiosity, leading us to reflect on the role of brand communication in promoting territories and strengthening their identity. We hypothesize that Larache suffers from an identity blur impacting its image as a tourist destination, primarily due to the absence of a branding strategy capable of consolidating its identity. In this context, a mixed-method approach was adopted. We administered a questionnaire with the objective of studying Larache's image and notoriety to assess its perception among potential tourists. This survey was supported by an analysis of social representations, with the main goal of exploring the representations associated with Larache's identity among two target groups: residents and potential tourists. Our results support our initial hypothesis and reveal a significant gap between the two representations, reflecting the identity blur from which Larache suffers. Based on these results, we define the identity profile of the territory in question to address the diagnosed identity deficit. Our study holds great importance for practitioners as it encourages them to rethink their tourism promotion practices and become aware of the crucial role that territorial branding can play in the tourism development of regions.

Author Biographies

Houyam Mouhib, University of Abdelmalek Essadi

Laboratory of Sciences of Information, Communication and Discourses, ENS-Tetouan

University of Abdelmalek Essadi, Tetouan, Morocco


Kaoutar El Aida, University of Abdelmalek Essadi

Laboratory of Sciences of Information, Communication and Discourses, ENS-Tetouan, University of Abdelmalek Essadi, Tetouan, Morocco


Abdelfattah Lahiala, University of Abdelmalek Essadi

Laboratory of Sciences of Information, Communication and Discourses, ENS-Tetouan, University of Abdelmalek Essadi, Tetouan, Morocco



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How to Cite

Mouhib, H., El Aida, K., & Lahiala, A. (2024). Territorial branding as a vector of identity and a lever for tourist attractiveness: the case of Larache. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 17(se4), 108–135. https://doi.org/10.14571/brajets.v17.nse4.108-135



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