Ethical Education Innovation: Foundations and Imperatives for Educational Reform in Vietnam


  • Hue Nhu Thi Nguyen Academy of Journalism and Communication, Hanoi, Vietnam



ethical education, educational innovation, Vietnam, moral development


Vietnam’s commitment to educational reform highlights the critical role of ethical education in addressing the moral, cultural, and societal challenges posed by globalization and technological advancement. This study examines the integration of ethical education within Vietnam’s educational system, emphasizing its functions in behavioral adjustment, cognitive development, and moral cultivation. Drawing on Vietnam’s cultural heritage, influenced by Confucian values and Ho Chi Minh’s educational philosophy, the research underscores the importance of ethical education in fostering socially responsible and morally grounded individuals. The findings reveal significant challenges, including limited integration of ethics into core curricula, outdated teaching methods, and insufficient teacher training. Comparative insights from global models, such as those in Finland and Japan, demonstrate the potential of interdisciplinary and experiential approaches to enhance ethical education. The study proposes practical recommendations, including comprehensive teacher training, competency-based assessments, and collaborative efforts among schools, families, and communities. Policy support and innovative pedagogical strategies, such as the use of digital tools, are also emphasized to address contemporary challenges like cyber ethics and global citizenship. This research concludes that ethical education is not a supplementary aspect but a central pillar of Vietnam’s educational reform. By aligning national traditions with global best practices, Vietnam can create a transformative educational model that balances technical expertise with moral integrity, ensuring sustainable development and global competitiveness in an interconnected world.


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How to Cite

Nguyen, H. N. T. . (2024). Ethical Education Innovation: Foundations and Imperatives for Educational Reform in Vietnam. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 17(se5), 119–131.



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