
  • Luciana Hidemi Santana Nomura Universidade Federal de Goiás, UFG



The Cyberarts represent the expression of current artistic creation and perhaps the best way to express the feelings and man's knowledge of the XXI century. In a art and technology context, specifically with robotics used as a tool, the overlaps between art and technology become fluid, especially when we question what are the limits of art in this "new" concept of creation. Therefore, robotic art in a contemporary times, is understood as a support and part of a set of practical usefulness and artistic skills in interactive installations, in performances, multimedia art etc. Thus, this article aims to understand and situate some notions that concern the concept and the context which robotic art is inserted, as well as the poetic perspectives that artists bring to use it.


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How to Cite

Nomura, L. H. S. (2015). ROBOTICS IN ART: PERSPECTIVES, CONTEXTS AND POETICS. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 8(3), 171–178.


