
  • Lucas Cunha Braga Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás (PUC-GO)
  • Tammyse Araújo da Silva



This research talks about the need of a precision landing system also known in Brazil as ILS CAT III. It will approach if what motivates such implementation is the political or the economic bias and what is the relationship with the awards to the related private companies. In order to check the true need of the device to the country, it's necessary to acknowledge some barriers that we face when implementing this kind of device. The goals of this study are to present the concept and the history of this system, since its creation to the precision categories. Besides that, it will be shown comparative data from the airports before and after the implementation of the ILS, observing the results of such measure. The study also has as a goal to present the spending and the methods used for the homologation, certification and maintenance of the system by the regulatory bodies. The methodology is based in literature review structured in books, scientific articles, reports, Brazilian resolutions and regulations. It's expected that with this research we can prove or not the true need of the ILS CAT III to Brazil towards the predominant weather conditions in the domestic airfields, the current political and economic scenario and the questions about concession and privatization of Brazilian airports. In view of the following research, it was found that ILS CAT III in Brazil doesn’t have a cost-benefit of real viability, both for national airlines and for airports that would have to implement this system, given that a few hours throughout the year requires this type of operation, being more viable to them the expense with passengers before the resolution 141 of the ANAC.

Author Biography

Lucas Cunha Braga, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás (PUC-GO)

Departamento de Ciências Aeronáuticas; Sistemas de pouso por instrumento.


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How to Cite

Braga, L. C., & Silva, T. A. da. (2019). ILS CAT III IN BRAZIL: COST-BENEFIT OF INSTALLATION IN BRAZIL. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 12(1), 14–23.


