


More than a hundred years have passed since Arnold Schoenberg's Pierrot Lunaire debut or Igor Stravinsky's Spring Rite, about seventy separate us from the time when John Coltrane “liberated†jazz with freestyle, and there is still talk. of these creations as being “contemporary†understood only by 'experts', even within the professional music class. In a society that lives in a spiral of information accessed almost in real-time, taking advantage of the answers to the knowledge that are at a distance from a smartphone connected to the network, we propose a short-term curriculum organization that focuses on: art as a factor of human affirmation; the concurrent participation of different disciplinary manifestations in the construction of the artistic object; the direct and / or indirect involvement of the social condition in which the work is created; their individual interpretation and aesthetic understanding. Above all, the aim is to demystify creative processes and promote educational policies that promote the inter and transdisciplinarity of educational development.


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How to Cite

Santos, S. C. C. (2020). CONTEMPORARY MUSIC: FROM ERUDITION OF THOUGHT TO MASSIFICATION OF EDUCATION. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 13(1), 41–48.


